Public Hearing:
- HB 1016: Providing employer tax incentives for the support of veterans and military families.
- HB 1040: Concerning rental income received by people eligible for certain property tax exemption programs.
- HB 1106: Recognizing the tremendous sacrifices made by our military veterans by phasing down the disability rating requirements to ensure more disabled veterans are eligible for property tax relief.
- HB 1165: Expanding access to the property tax exemption program for seniors, people retired due to disability, and veterans with disabilities.
- HB 1214: Expanding eligibility for the working families tax credit to everyone age 18 and older.
- HB 1397: Imposing local property tax levies wholly credited against the state property tax to provide support and services for veterans assistance and for persons with developmental disabilities or mental health needs.
Executive Session:
- HB 1058: Providing incentives to improve freight railroad infrastructure.
- HB 1060: Concerning newspapers and eligible digital content.
- HB 1355: Modifying retail taxes compacts between the state of Washington and federally recognized tribes located in Washington state by increasing the revenue-sharing percentages when a compacting tribe has completed a qualified capital investment.