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Public Hearing:
Executive Session:
- SHB 1543: Increasing compliance pathways for the clean buildings performance standard.
- 2SHB 1409: Concerning the clean fuels program.
- 2SHB 1975: Amending the climate commitment act by adjusting auction price containment mechanisms and ceiling prices, addressing the department of ecologys authority to amend rules to facilitate linkage with other jurisdictions, and providing for market dynamic analysis.
- 2SHB 1990: Authorizing utility companies to securitize certain costs related to disasters or emergencies to lower costs to customers.
- HB 1842: Allowing public utility districts to form, own, or use captive insurers.
- ESHB 1522: Concerning approval of electric utility wildfire mitigation plans.
- EHB 1814: Streamlining certain decisions pertaining to the development or extension of a trail or path from the state environmental policy act.
- ESHB 1293: Concerning litter.