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Executive Session:
- E2SHB 1715: Enacting comprehensive protections for victims of domestic violence and other violence involving family members or intimate partners.
- ESHB 1766: Creation of a hope card program.
- 2SHB 1579: Establishing a mechanism for independent prosecutions within the office of the attorney general of criminal conduct arising from police use of force.
- ESHB 1169: Concerning legal financial obligations.
- ESHB 1469: Concerning access to reproductive health care services and gender-affirming treatment in Washington state.
- SHB 1177: Creating a missing and murdered indigenous women and people cold case investigations unit.
- HB 1512: Providing tools and resources for the location and recovery of missing persons.
- 2SHB 1746: Concerning a state broadband map.
- SHB 1258: Increasing tourism to Washington state through enhancement of the statewide tourism marketing account and changing necessary match requirements.
- SHB 1717: Supporting innovation at associate development organizations.
- SHB 1783: Supporting economic development in distressed areas through hiring of grant writers.
- 2SHB 1009: Concerning military spouse employment.
- E2SHB 1541: Establishing the nothing about us without us act.
- E2SHB 1320: Concerning access to personnel records.
- ESHB 1838: Transferring the responsibilities for the transportation revenue forecast for the transportation budget to the economic and revenue forecast council.
- 2SHB 1681: Concerning problem gambling.
- E2SHB 1515: Concerning contracting and procurement requirements for behavioral health services in medical assistance programs.
- E2SHB 1134: Implementing the 988 behavioral health crisis response and suicide prevention system.
- SB 5764: Concerning the hospital safety net program.
- SHB 1435: Developing a home care safety net assessment.
- EHB 1812: Continuing the business and occupation tax deduction for federal funds received from a medicaid transformation or demonstration project or medicaid quality improvement program or standard.
- E2SHB 1357: Modernizing the prior authorization process.
- HB 1626: Concerning coverage for colorectal screening tests under medical assistance programs.
- SHB 1457: Concerning a motor carrier’s ability to access restroom facilities required by rules authorized under chapter 49.17 RCW.
- 2SHB 1724: Increasing the trained behavioral health workforce.
- 2SHB 1470: Concerning private detention facilities.
- 2SHB 1745: Improving diversity in clinical trials.
- 2SHB 1452: Establishing a state medical reserve corps.
- HB 1407: Maintaining eligibility for developmental disability services.
- E2SHB 1188: Concerning individuals with developmental disabilities that have also received child welfare services.
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