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JLARC – Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee

  • Committee Business.
  • Action item: Approval of the April 24, 2024 JLARC meeting minutes.
  • Action item: Approval of the updated biennial Work Plan.
  • 2024 Tax Preference Reviews – Preliminary Report.
  • Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Infrastructure.
  • Public Utility Tax Credit for Home Energy Assistance.
  • Precious Metals and Monetized Bullion.
  • Customized Workforce Training.
  • Aerospace.
  • Aluminum.
  • Implementation of SAO I-900 Recommendations to the Legislature.
  • 2023 Lodging Tax Expenditures.
  • Proposed study questions for future JLARC study.
  • Oversight of Hospital Data Reporting, Inspections, and Complaints.