Public Hearing: SSB 5722, SSB 5764, SSB 5789, SSB 5874, SB 5600, SB 5771, SSB 5252, SSB 5720, SSB 5892, SSB 5847, SSB 5793, SSB 5649, SB 5959, SSB 5838, SSB 5785, SSB 5736, SSB 5884, SSB 5807, SSB 5664, SSB 5644, SB 5821, SSB 5723, SSB 5886, SB 5745, SB 5790, SB 5819, SSB 5695, SSB 5588 (proposed sub), SSB 5827, SSB 5663, SB 5772, SSB 5733, SSB 5678, SSB 5842; Executive Session: SB 5539 – Concerning state funding for educational service districts; SB 5487 – Concerning small school district consolidation incentives for infrastructure enhancement and modernization; SB 5933 – Establishing a school seismic safety grant program; SB 5566 – Expanding eligibility for the independent youth housing program; SSB 5033 – Limiting the property tax exemption for improvements to single-family dwellings to the construction of accessory dwelling units; SB 5534 – Concerning the use of verifiable credentials.