Public Hearing:
- SB 5405: Updating the inflation adjustment for the estate tax exclusion amount.
- SB 5457: Concerning broadcasters.
- SB 5510: Concerning conservation district revenue limitations.
- SB 5529: Amending the county population threshold for counties that may exempt from taxation the value of accessory dwelling units to incentivize rental to low-income households.
- SB 5547: Increasing cannabis revenue distributions to local governments.
- SB 5072: Concerning abandoned vehicles sold at auctions conducted by registered tow truck operators.
- SB 5458: Concerning newspapers and eligible digital content.
- SB 5431: Modifying tax and revenue laws in a manner that is not estimated to affect state or local tax collections.
- SB 5516: Modifying the property tax exemption for community centers.