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Public Hearing:
- HB 1573: Revising the period in which the oath of office must be taken for elective offices of counties, cities, towns, and special purpose districts.
- E2SHB 1102: Increasing support and services for veterans.
- HB 1934: Concerning the disclosure of information pertaining to complainants, accusers, and witnesses in an employment investigation.
Executive Session:
- HB 1012: Authorizing the womens commission to solicit gifts, grants, and endowments from public or private sources.
- HB 1013: Concerning exemption of certain personnel of the department of social and health services from civil service.
- HB 1222: Concerning public inspection and copying of proprietary financial and security information submitted to or obtained by the gambling commission.
- HB 1372: Modifying provisions on joint legislative audit and review committee studies.
- HB 1759: Designating the twelfth day of December as the day of the 12s.
- EHB 1628: Creating the fire service policy board.
- HB 1633: Concerning prime contractor bidding submission requirements on public works contracts.
- SHB 1606: Concerning state employee access to peer-reviewed journals.
- HB 1631: Establishing the state marine forest.