Public Hearing: SSB 5678 – Concerning energy transformation, nonemitting electric generation, and renewable resource project analysis and declaratory orders; SSB 5910 – Accelerating the availability and use of renewable hydrogen in Washington state; SSB 5626 – Adding a climate resilience element to water system plans; 2SSB 5703 – Concerning the use of toxic chemicals in cosmetic products; E2SSB 5885 – Concerning marine shoreline habitat.
Possible Executive Session: SSB 5722 – Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in buildings; ESSB 5428 – Concerning the application of the state environmental policy act to temporary shelters and transitional encampments; E2SSB 5842 – Concerning state laws that address climate change; SB 5042 – Concerning the effective date of certain actions taken under the growth management act. SB 5312 – Facilitating transit-oriented development and increasing housing inventory; SB 5585 – Setting domestic wastewater discharge fees.