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Executive Session:
- HB 1228: Building a multilingual, multiliterate Washington through dual and tribal language education.
- E2SHB 1565: Supporting and strengthening the professional education workforce.
- HB 2037: Concerning Holocaust and genocide education in public schools.
- HB 2239: Supporting student well-being through instruction in social-emotional skills.
- HB 1935: Promoting resource conservation practices that include student education and leadership opportunities in public schools.
- HB 2038: Collecting data on student transfers and withdrawals from public schools and school districts.
- HB 2130: Extending special education services.
- HB 2331: Modifying requirements for public school instructional and supplemental instructional materials.
- HB 2381: Increasing eligibility for economy and efficiency flexible school calendar waivers.
- HB 2398: Requiring parent representation on instructional materials committees.