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Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission

The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission convenes for a meeting at the Ocean Shores Convention Center.


  • Call to Order
  • Recognition
  • Virtual Public Comment
  • Pre-Arranged Speakers
  • Better Beaches and Byways
  • Friends of Fort Flagler
  • General Public Comment
  • Commissioner Reports
  • Commission Committee Reports
  • Break
  • Director Report
  • Executive Session
  • Requested Action:
  • Item E-1: Agency Request Legislation for the 2024 Session
  • Lunch
  • Requested Action:
  • Item E-2: 2024 Supplemental Operating Budget
  • Requested Action:
  • Item E-3: 2024 Supplemental Capital Budget
  • Requested Action:
  • Item E-4: Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 352- 32- 253- Foster Parent Program
  • Break
  • Requested Action:
  • Item E-5: Sale of Excess Timber from Forest Land Conversion – Requested Action
  • Requested Action:
  • Item E-6: Nisqually State Park Interagency Agreement – Washington State Department of Transportation
  • Requested Action:
  • Item E-7: Twanoh State Park Interagency Agreement with WSDOT
  • Requested Action:
  • Item E-8: 2024 Commission Meeting Dates and Locations
  • Review Follow-Up Items
  • Executive Session
  • Adjourn