Executive Session: SB 5054 – Concerning impaired driving. SB 5089 – Concerning peace officer hiring and certification. SB 5177 – Eliminating proof of nonmarriage as an element of a sex offense. SB 5035 – Concerning offender scoring of drug offenses. SB 5078 – Addressing firearm safety measures to increase public safety. SB 5185 – Concerning capacity to provide informed consent for health care decisions. SB 5059 – Concerning protecting state and federal monuments, memorials, and statues from damage intentionally inflicted during the course of unpeaceful demonstrations or riots. SB 5038 – Prohibiting the open carry of certain weapons at public demonstrations and the state capitol. SB 5025 – Concerning the consumer protection improvement act; Public Hearing: SB 5155 – Concerning prejudgment interest. (Remote testimony) SB 5036 – Concerning conditional commutation by the clemency and pardons board (Remote testimony).