Executive Session: SB 5725 – Concerning powers of the legislative committee on economic development and international relations; SB 5810 – Concerning insurance regulation. SJM 8006 – Concerning a national infrastructure bank; SB 5515 – Encouraging economic growth by providing a state business tax credit for new employment positions in the hospitality industry; SB 5760 – Updating and expanding the motion picture competitiveness program; SB 5541 – Exempting newspapers from business and occupation tax; SB 5770 – Providing Washington state convention economy grants.
Public Hearing: SB 5769 – Reforming the state tax system by providing tax relief to residents, employees, and employers; SB 5802 – Providing additional financial relief for property owners using the senior citizen and disabled persons property tax exemption and deferral programs by increasing the income thresholds and lowering the interest rate for deferred property taxes; SB 5849 – Concerning tax incentives.