It’s committee week, and TVW will be airing a number of meetings. Here’s a look:
Tuesday, Nov. 18 at 9 a.m.: Ebola readiness is on the agenda for a joint committee on Health Care Oversight, along with an update on the Affordable Care Act. TVW will be live on television and the web.
Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 10 a.m.: The Economic Revenue and Forecast Council will release its budget outlook and quarterly revenue forecast. TVW will be live on television and the web.
Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 1 p.m.: TVW will be live with the House Appropriations committee as it discusses how to implement the state Supreme Court’s McCleary decision and the fiscal impact of Initiative 1351, which mandates smaller class sizes.
Thursday, Nov. 20 at 10 a.m.: TVW will be live on television with the Senate Natural Resources Committee, which will discuss the Oso landslide impact and recovery efforts. We will also tape the Senate Energy Committee to be aired at a later time, or you can watch it live on the web at this link.
Thursday, Nov. 20 at 1:30 p.m.: TVW will be live on television with the Senate Ways and Means Committee, which is holding a “session preview” of the 2015 operating and capital budgets. We will also be live webcasting the Senate Transportation Committee as they discuss the Alaskan Way Viaduct, Interstate 405 and low carbon fuel standards — watch at this link.
Thursday, Nov. 20 at 3:30 p.m.: The Senate Human Services and Corrections committee will be live on television discussing psych bed certifications and other mental health issues. TVW will tape and live webcast the Senate Health Care committee, which is holding a work session on e-cigarettes and Hepatitis C.
All other committees on Thursday will be webcast on
Friday, Nov. 21 at 8 a.m.: TVW will be live on television with the Senate Early Learning and K-12 committee. Initiative 1351 is on the agenda, along with the impact of losing the No Child Left Behind waiver. We will tape the Senate Law and Justice Committee for air later and live webcast it at this link.
Friday, Nov. 21 at 10 a.m.: The Senate Trade and Economic Development committee will be live on television, and the Senate Agriculture committee will be taped and live webcast at this link.
All other committees on Friday will be webcast on