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Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges convenes for a virtual meeting.


  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Land and labor acknowledgement
  • Establish a quorum and adopt meeting agenda
  • Approval of Consent Agenda
  • Public Comment
  • Election of 2024-25 State Board chair and vice chair 
  • FAFSA update
  • Consideration of fiscal year 2025 workforce and student support awards and allocations – Resolution 24-06-39, Resolution 24-06-40 
  • Consideration of fiscal year 2025 Basic Education for Adults awards and allocations – Resolution 24-06-41
  • Break
  • 2025-2027 operating budget priorities 
  • ACT report
  • WACTC report
  • System unions report
  • Executive director report
  • Board discussion and chair’s report
  • Adjournment