Public Hearing:
- 2SHB 1550: Assisting eligible children in need of additional preparation to be successful in kindergarten by establishing the transition to kindergarten program.
- SHB 1658: Authorizing public high school students to earn elective credit for paid work experience.
- ESHB 1744: Clarifying the responsibilities and accountability for the effective delivery and oversight of public education services to charter school students.
- EHB 1714: Allowing school districts to apply for financial literacy education professional development grants.
Executive Session:
- 2SHB 1316: Expanding access to dual credit programs.
- HB 1146: Notifying high school students and their families about available dual credit programs and any available financial assistance.
- SHB 1207: Preventing and responding to harassment, intimidation, bullying, and discrimination in schools.
- HB 1230: Requiring school districts and other public education entities to make information from the department of health available.
- E2SHB 1565: Supporting and strengthening the professional education workforce.