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The Impact  – House Transportation Leaders Discuss $16.8 Billion Funding Package

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The proposed “Move Ahead Washington” transportation funding package is the focus of this week’s Impact.

We’re talking about $16.8 billion over 16 years for highway and bridge maintenance, buses, bike and pedestrian routes, ferries, and fish blocking culverts. Impact host Mike McClanahan interviews a panel of House Transportation Committee leaders to discuss how the money would be allocated.

“This is different, a really different package,” said Rep. Jake Fey, D-Tacoma, House Transportation Committee Chair. “This is an all-time high in a transportation package for preservation and maintenance” 

 “It is historical, three billion dollars towards maintenance and preservation, but the secretary of the agency told us it’s more like a billion dollars a year, ten billion dollars needed for maintenance and preservation and I think it comes down again how these are prioritized,” said Rep. Andrew Barkis, R-Olympia, House Transportation Committee Ranking Member.

Fey and Barkis also discuss the rationale and ramifications of the fees and taxes that fund the package, such as a 6 cent per gallon export tax on gasoline refined in Washington.