Public Hearing: SSB 5160 – Addressing landlord-tenant relations by providing certain tenant protections during and after public health emergencies, providing for legal representation in eviction cases, establishing an eviction resolution pilot program for nonpayment of rent cases, and authorizing landlord access to state rental assistance programs. (Remote testimony.) SSB 5375 – Concerning the provision of technical assistance for low-income housing development in rural locations. (Remote testimony.) SSB 5022 – Concerning expanded polystyrene prohibitions, optional food serviceware, and recycled content for beverage containers. (Remote testimony.) SSB 5174 – Providing for the recycling of wind turbine blades. (Remote testimony.) SB 5345 – Establishing a statewide industrial waste coordination program. (Remote testimony.) SSB 5237 – Expanding accessible, affordable child care and early childhood development programs. (Remote testimony.) SSB 5214 – Concerning economic assistance programs. (Remote testimony.) SSB 5331 – Establishing an early childhood court program for young children and their families involved in Washington’s child welfare system. (Remote testimony.) SSB 5327 – Creating a confidential youth safety and well-being tip line. (Remote testimony.) SB 5431 – Creating the Rosa Franklin legislative internship program scholarship. (Remote testimony.); Executive Session: SB 5096 – Concerning an excise tax on gains from the sale or exchange of certain capital assets.SSB 5183 – Concerning victims of nonfatal strangulation. SB 5151 – Concerning foster care and child care licensing by the department of children, youth, and families. SB 5357 – Establishing and making appropriations for the capital broadband investment acceleration program. SB 5175 – Concerning the authority of the community economic revitalization board. SB 5031 – Concerning a community aviation revitalization loan program.