Public Hearing: SSB 5128 – Concerning student transportation funding during a local, state, or national emergency. (Remote testimony) SB 5326 – Concerning health and pension benefits for school bus drivers employed by private nongovernmental entities. (Remote testimony) SB 5323 – Freezing wage and salaries and providing for furlough days during the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium. (Remote testimony) SB 5322 – Prohibiting dual enrollment between school employees’ benefits board and public employees’ benefits board programs. (Remote testimony) SB 5296 – Modifying the definition of index for the Washington state patrol retirement system. (Remote testimony) SB 5133 – Concerning the definition of confidential employee for the purposes of state collective bargaining. (Remote testimony)
Executive Session: SB 5021 – Concerning the effect of expenditure reduction efforts on retirement benefits for public employees, including those participating in the shared work program. SB 5272 – Concerning temporarily waiving certain liquor and cannabis board annual licensing fees.