Executive Session: SHB 2019 – Increasing educational and training opportunities for careers in retail; HB 1907 – Concerning scholarship displacement in postsecondary institutions’ gift equity packaging policies; E2SHB 1659 – Making higher education more affordable and accessible for students by bridging the gap between cost and need to reduce barriers, improve opportunity, and advance economic security; HB 2007 – Establishing a nurse educator loan repayment program under the Washington health corps; EHB 1687 – Enhancing the college bound scholarship program by increasing opportunities for students to attend community and technical colleges; 2SHB 1751 – Concerning hazing prevention and reduction at institutions of higher education; HB 1051 – Adding a faculty member to the board of regents at the research universities; HB 1780 – Concerning workforce education investment accountability and oversight board staffing changes; HB 1622 – Increasing the availability of sexual assault nurse examiner education in rural and underserved areas.